Naturopathic Medicine


Naturopathic medicine is

a distinct primary healthcare profession, emphasizing prevention, treatment, and optimal health through the use of therapeutic methods and substances that encourage individuals’ inherent self-healing process.  The practice of naturopathic medicine includes modern and traditional, scientific, and empirical methods.  By using protocols that minimize the risk of harm, naturopathic doctors help facilitate the body’s inherent ability to restore and maintain optimal health. It is the naturopathic doctor’s role to identify and remove barriers to good health by helping to create a healing internal and external environment.

A naturopathic doctor (ND) attends a four-year, graduate-level naturopathic medical school and is educated in biomedical sciences used in all fields of medicine, but also studies holistic and nontoxic approaches to therapy with a strong emphasis on disease prevention and optimizing wellness. In addition to a standard biomedical curriculum, the naturopathic doctor also studies clinical nutrition, homeopathic medicine, botanical medicine, psychology, and counseling. A naturopathic doctor takes rigorous professional board exams so that they may be licensed by a state or jurisdiction as a primary care naturopathic doctor.

The core principles followed by naturopathic doctors include the following:

  • The Healing Power of Nature: Naturopathic medicine recognizes an inherent self-healing process in people that is ordered and intelligent. Naturopathic doctors act to identify and remove obstacles to healing and recovery, and to facilitate and augment this inherent self-healing process.

  • Identify and Treat the Causes: The naturopathic doctor seeks to identify and remove the underlying causes of illness rather than to merely eliminate or suppress symptoms.

  • First Do No Harm: The naturopathic doctor seeks to identify and remove the underlying causes of illness rather than to merely eliminate or suppress symptoms.

  • Doctor as Teacher: Naturopathic doctors educate their patients and encourage self-responsibility for health. They also recognize and employ the therapeutic potential of the doctor-patient relationship.

  • Treat the Whole Person: Naturopathic doctors treat each patient by taking into account individual physical, mental, emotional, genetic, environmental, social, and other factors. Since total health also includes spiritual health, naturopathic doctors encourage individuals to pursue their personal spiritual development.

  • Prevention: Naturopathic doctors emphasize the prevention of disease by assessing risk factors, heredity and susceptibility to disease, and by making appropriate interventions in partnership with their patients to prevent illness.

This information can be found and is taken from the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians.  To learn more about the education, philosophy, practice and regulation of naturopathic doctors, click here.

Disclaimer: Wellness consulting is not a substitute for medical care, and all of the information on this website is for educational purposes only. Dr. Hatcher does not diagnose, treat or cure medical conditions. You should always consult with your licensed healthcare provider before starting any nutritional or lifestyle programs.